Xbox known as the "gangstas system" as Gates and Rock declare Playstation
2 is " Fucking Wack"
"... Xbox blows ..." -Micro$oft
"Building a console is really, really hard, It's very easy to screw it up."
- Seamus Blackley, Xbox technology officer at Microsoft
See where i was arrested! The 'man' was keeping me down!
Got yer Xbox yet? Yeah? You and about one million other suckers! That is one big landfill!
Grrl Got Game, the new Mirco$oft column that tries to expand their market to females. In yet an other sick and desperate attempt to corner the market and bleed the american, nay, the world game/computing public dry!
What's goin on in the world today? - 7/10/2002
A possibe
Xbox Mod Chip,
that would allow you to play backups, imports, VCDs, and who knows what else.
How about a video game that helps you to relax? (Opposed to Xbox, which just pisses you off!)
You fly a little dragon around and the more relaxed you are, the faster it flys.
Take that Xbox. Bo-Yeah!
Just try to relax knowing that Micro$oft is hoarding
40 Billion Dollars
I would suggest they use it to try and prop up a failing Xbox, but it already seems that they are pouring money into marketing Xbox.
As we all know, M$ had to cut the price on the Xbox to compete. What you may
not realize is how much is hurts M$.
Here is some banned Xbox commercial.
Last, but not least, for all of you sick fools : Ten things you can do with $200 besides geting an xbox
Seamus Blackley Resigns and writes book - 5/1/2002
Seamus Blackley, co-creator of, and driving force behind the Xbox,
resigned from his job [ Blackley tries to explain himself]
on April 22, 2002, only six months after the Xbox release
, and one day before the release of his book about the making of the Xbox,
Opening the Xbox
( or: how I learned to stop worrying and hate the Xbox :-P ) [ excerpt] The book discusses
how Microsoft tried to buy Nintendo
[ also here] for $25 billion
in late 1999, but failed obviously.
World domination by Micro$oft narrowly escaped yet again!
Micro$soft originally tried to get Sega to develop the Xbox, but failed. Now Sega is just an M$ bitch, but then again, Sega is everyones bitch really.
So who is this Seamus Blackley, Captain Xbox anyway?
Due to slow sales M$ is dropping the price of Xbox in
Australia, and Europe too.
Funny how MSNBC ran two articles on how the Xbox sales are
slowing and weak, yet they are gone now... i wonder why? [ here] and [ here]
The Shenmue II Story - 12/15/2001 Sega has announced a new
Xbox version of Shenmue II, and the cancellation of the Dreamcast version.
Later, America President/CEO Peter Moore of Sega posted a
public apology
for its decision to cancel the North American Dreamcast version of Shenmue II. The moral of the story : Sega sold their soul to satan, and now they feel bad about it.
Do you have any information or news that will lead to the demise (or at least discrediting, humiliation, or mocking) of the Xbox and possibly Microsoft? Contact me
Japan's Xbox fans, what is wrong with you? You are the home of
Rejoice in the fact that your country is programmatically superior to the USA.
Xbox arrives Down Under on March 2002. Australian Xbox fans, i am sending Pi to help.